Things we do


Experiment, Our techniques,
Preparation Process


Koji ( Aspergillus Oryzae )

We got our Koji Kin from Japan and grow the spore (sprout hyphae) on different types of Local Thai Rice (Oryza Sativa). 

After that, our koji can create many many more lovely taste and recipe both to Drink, Dish and into our fermentation jar.

The term come from Japan. Refer to a species of fungus, mold. That grows on cooked grains or rices in their specific environments (Humid & Warm). A. oryzae is utilized in solid-state cultivation (SSC), which is a form of fermentation in a solid rather than a liquid state.

Actually this is not that hard to understand. I think We all used to experienced Koji in our life. The process of making Miso, Shoyu, Sake and many more are using Koji as one of the important key to their fermentation. 


Sugar Cane Molasses

Normal Molasses ??  Of Course Not !
Our Sugar Cane Molasses come from Local S’gaw Village located in Mae Wang, Chiang Mai. This Village normally do many sustainable Agriculture such as Local Rice and Vegetable. Sugar Cane is not their main Produce. They only grow them in between the season. As the matter of fact they hard to sell. Every time they cut them off to start another season, they will use their firewood to boil sugar cane juice. Simmer them until they become thick and smooth. The result is amazing and gorgeous. This Sugar Cane Molasses is different, Taste & Character : Smoky, Sweet, Hint of Honey like, Clean & Strong Sugar cane flavor.

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